Accelerate Business Growth with Expert Business Consulting Services

Maximize Your Potential: How Business Consulting Can Catapult Your Growth

Maximize Your Potential: How Business Consulting Can Catapult Your Growth

Uncover the secret to unlocking your business’s true potential with the transformative insights of business consulting. Reach new heights today!

Person Holding White and Blue Box

Image courtesy of Artem Podrez via Pexels

Whether you’re a start-up or a well-established company, the goal for any business is growth. However, navigating the complexities of scaling a business can be daunting. This is where expert business consulting services come in to play. These professionals offer invaluable expertise and guidance to help companies accelerate their growth and reach new heights of success. In this blog post, we’ll explore why expert business consulting services are essential for maximizing your potential and catapulting your growth.

Expertise and Knowledge

One of the key benefits of working with business consultants is their depth of knowledge and experience in the field. These experts have a thorough understanding of industry trends, best practices, and strategies for success. By tapping into their expertise, companies can gain valuable insights and guidance to navigate challenges and identify opportunities for growth.

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Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is essential for setting a roadmap to achieve business goals and objectives. Business consultants can help companies develop and implement effective strategies that align with their vision for growth. By working closely with consultants, businesses can create a clear plan of action that outlines steps to take in order to reach their desired level of success.

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Every business faces obstacles and challenges along the path to growth. Business consultants excel in problem-solving and can help companies overcome roadblocks that may be hindering their progress. By leveraging their expertise and experience, consultants can assist companies in finding innovative solutions to complex issues and propel them towards their growth targets.

Staying informed about market trends and consumer behavior is crucial for businesses looking to grow. Business consultants provide valuable insights into market dynamics and emerging trends that can impact a company’s growth trajectory. By understanding the market landscape, companies can adapt their strategies to capitalize on opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.


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Accountability and Results

One of the key benefits of working with business consultants is the accountability they bring to the table. Consultants help companies set realistic goals and objectives, track progress towards those goals, and hold them accountable for their performance. By staying focused on results, companies can stay on track towards achieving their growth targets.

In conclusion, expert business consulting services are essential for companies looking to maximize their potential and accelerate their growth. By leveraging the expertise, strategic planning, problem-solving skills, market insights, and accountability that consultants provide, businesses can overcome challenges, identify opportunities, and reach new levels of success. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, consider partnering with expert business consultants to catapult your growth and unlock your full potential.

10 Essential Steps for Building a Successful Mobile App

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Mobile App: 10 Essential Steps

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Mobile App: 10 Essential Steps

Discover the 10 game-changing steps to turning your mobile app idea into a successful reality. Don’t miss out on this!

Webpage of Ai Chatbot, a prototype AI Smith Open chatbot, is seen on the website of OpenAI, on a apple smartphone. Examples, capabilities, and limitations are shown.

Image courtesy of Sanket Mishra via Pexels

Welcome to the ultimate guide on building a successful mobile app! In today’s digital age, mobile apps have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals to reach their target audience and provide value. Whether you’re an experienced app developer or a newbie in the tech world, these 10 essential steps will help you create a mobile app that stands out in a crowded app market.

Research and Define Your Target Audience

Before diving into app development, it’s crucial to research and define your target audience. Understand their needs, preferences, and pain points to create an app that resonates with them. Conduct market research, analyze user demographics, and gather feedback to tailor your app to your target audience.

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Identify the Problem Your App Will Solve

Every successful mobile app solves a specific problem or fulfills a need for its users. Identify the problem your app will address and define its unique value proposition. By solving a pressing issue for your target audience, you can differentiate your app from competitors and attract users looking for solutions.

                                                                   Building a successful mobile app is not just about coding—it’s about solving real problems, delivering value, and continuously evolving with your users’ needs.

Building a successful mobile app is not just about coding—it’s about solving real problems, delivering value, and continuously evolving with your users’ needs.Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Define clear goals and objectives for your app development project. Establish what you aim to achieve with your app, whether it’s increasing user engagement, generating revenue, or creating brand awareness. Setting measurable goals will guide your app development process and help you track its success.

Design a User-Friendly Interface

User experience (UX) design plays a crucial role in the success of your mobile app. Create a user-friendly interface that is intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Prioritize simplicity and functionality in your app design to provide a seamless user experience that keeps users coming back for more.


Develop the App Using Reliable Technology

Choose reliable technology and development tools to build your mobile app. Select a platform that aligns with your app’s goals and target audience, whether it’s iOS, Android, or cross-platform development. Work with experienced developers who have expertise in the chosen technology stack to ensure a smooth app development process.

Implement Security Measures and Ensure Compliance

Security is paramount in app development, especially when handling sensitive user data. Implement encryption, authentication, and data protection practices to secure user information and prevent data breaches. Be mindful of data protection regulations such as GDPR and ensure your app complies with these laws to build trust with users.


Test, Collect Feedback, and Iterate

Testing is an essential step in app development to identify bugs, errors, and usability issues. Conduct thorough testing of your app on different devices and operating systems to ensure its functionality and performance. Collect feedback from beta testers and early users to gather insights for improvement and iteratively enhance your app before its official launch.

Promote Your App and Attract Users

After developing your app, it’s crucial to promote it to attract users and drive downloads. Utilize app store optimization (ASO) techniques to improve your app’s visibility in app stores and increase its chances of being discovered by users. Implement marketing strategies such as social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and press releases to create buzz around your app and attract a user base.


Measure Success and Track Key Performance Indicators

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your mobile app. Monitor metrics such as downloads, active users, retention rate, and user engagement to gauge the app’s performance and effectiveness. Use analytics tools to gather data on user behavior and app usage patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for app optimization.

Stay Updated, Relevant, and Motivated

To ensure the long-term success of your mobile app, stay updated on industry trends, new technologies, and user preferences. Regularly update your app with new features, improvements, and enhancements based on user feedback and market demands. Surround yourself with a supportive network of peers and stay motivated through the ups and downs of app development to see your vision turn into a successful reality.


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Building a successful mobile app requires careful planning, execution, and continuous improvement. By following these 10 essential steps, you can create a mobile app that resonates with users, fulfills their needs, and stands out in a competitive app market. With a clear vision, dedication, and strategic approach, your mobile app has the potential to make a significant impact and achieve success.

E-commerce Website : A Guide to Successful Strategy.

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. One of the most effective ways to reach a wider audience and increase sales is through an E-commerce website. Whether you’re a small boutique or a large retail chain, having an E-commerce website can help you expand your reach and grow your business.

Why E-commerce Websites are Essential

E-commerce websites allow businesses to reach customers beyond geographical boundaries and operate 24/7, providing a convenient shopping experience for users. With the rise of online shopping, having an E-commerce website is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive in the market.

Key Elements of a Successful E-commerce Website

User-Friendly Design: An intuitive and visually appealing website design is crucial for engaging customers and encouraging them to make a purchase. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with clear product categories and search functionality.
Mobile Optimization: With the majority of online shopping done on mobile devices, it’s essential to have a mobile-responsive website that provides a seamless shopping experience across all devices.
High-Quality Product Images and Descriptions: Images play a vital role in attracting customers to your products. Make sure to use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to provide customers with all the information they need to make a purchase.
Secure Payment Gateway: Customers need to feel confident when making a purchase on your website. Ensure that you have a secure payment gateway that protects customers’ sensitive information.
SEO Optimization: To attract organic traffic to your website, optimize it for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta tags, and providing high-quality content.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Showcase customer reviews and testimonials to build trust with potential buyers and encourage them to make a purchase.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Showcase customer reviews and testimonials to build trust with potential buyers and encourage them to make a purchase.
Social Media Integration: Integrating social media channels into your website can help you reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website.

Why Choose BRIQUE Technology for Your E-commerce Website Development

At BRIQUE Technology, we specialize in creating high-performance e-commerce websites tailored to your business needs. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Customized Solutions: We offer personalized e-commerce solutions that cater specifically to your business goals and target audience.
  • User-Centric Design: Our designs prioritize user experience, ensuring that your customers have an engaging and seamless shopping experience.
  • Mobile Optimization: We ensure that your website is fully optimized for mobile devices, providing a consistent experience across all platforms.
  • Secure Payment Integration: We implement secure payment gateways to protect your customers’ transactions and build trust.
  • SEO-Friendly Development: Our websites are built with SEO best practices in mind, helping you attract organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.
  • Ongoing Support: We offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure that your e-commerce website runs smoothly and remains up-to-date.

Creating a successful e-commerce website involves careful planning, attention to detail, and a focus on providing a seamless shopping experience for customers. By incorporating the key elements mentioned above and choosing BRIQUE Technology for your development needs, you can create a website that not only attracts customers but also drives sales and helps your business grow in the competitive online marketplace.

Ready to build your e-commerce website? today and watch your business thrive in the digital world!

Unveiling the Magic: Understanding Generative AI and Its Transformative Power – Part 1

Unveiling the Magic: Understanding Generative AI and Its Transformative Power – Part 1

Posted on December 12, 2023 by Jay Pagnis |

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, one term that’s been making waves is “Generative AI.” It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a technological marvel that’s reshaping the way we perceive and interact with machines. Let’s dive into the world of Generative AI, exploring its definition, applications, and the incredible potential it holds for the future.

Defining Generative AI: Unlocking Creativity in Machines

Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on teaching machines to generate content autonomously. Unlike traditional AI models that rely on pre-existing data, generative models have the ability to create new, original content. The magic happens through training these models on vast datasets, allowing them to learn patterns, styles, and even the nuances of human creativity.

Applications Across Industries: From Art to Science

Generative AI is not confined to a single industry; its applications span across various domains, showcasing its versatility and adaptability. In the world of art, it has been used to create stunning visual artworks, music compositions, and even pieces of literature. In healthcare, Generative AI is revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by generating synthetic data for training medical models.

In marketing, it’s helping craft personalized content and advertisements, while in finance, it aids in risk analysis and predictive modeling. The potential seems limitless as Generative AI continues to find new avenues for application.

Generative AI: Some examples

Generative AI has led to some impressive applications across various domains. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. This platform utilizes Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to transform your photos into artworks inspired by famous artists like Van Gogh or Picasso. It showcases how generative models can mimic artistic styles.
  2. OpenAI’s GPT-3: The third iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer by OpenAI is a language generation model. GPT-3 is capable of completing sentences, paragraphs, or even generating entire articles, demonstrating the potential of generative models in natural language understanding and generation.
  3. AI Dungeon: It’s an interactive text-based adventure game powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3. Users can input any action or scenario, and the AI generates a narrative in response. This showcases how generative AI can be used for creative storytelling and gaming.
  4. DALL-E by OpenAI: This model generates images from textual descriptions. You can describe a concept, and DALL-E will create an image that represents that description. It’s a fascinating example of generative AI’s capabilities in image synthesis.
  5. Google’s Magenta Project: Magenta explores the role of machine learning as a tool in the creative process, especially in the domain of music and art. It includes models that generate music, create artwork, and even compose melodies.
  6. RunwayML: This platform provides tools for artists and creators to use generative models without deep learning expertise. It includes models for image generation, style transfer, and more, making the power of generative AI accessible to a broader audience.
  7. Artbreeder: Artbreeder allows users to create and manipulate images by blending them together. Leveraging GANs, it enables users to explore a vast creative space and generate unique visual compositions.
  8. IBM Watson Captionbot: This tool analyzes images and generates descriptive captions. It demonstrates how generative models can be applied to image recognition and content description.

These examples showcase the versatility of generative AI, from creating art and generating text to enabling interactive and creative experiences. As technology advances, we can expect even more innovative applications across various industries.

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Previous: Quandry of a Good User Interface – 404 page

Next: Leave Management

Quandry of a Good User Interface – 404 page

For the uninitiated, a 404 page is the one that is shown when someone tries to reach a nonexistent page on a website. This typically happens when the user clicks a link that leads to a page that doesn’t exist anymore or the user may have mistyped a URL.

This article is one of the many articles that product managers and designers can use as a reference for tips on how to improve their user experience. We prefer to call it the Human Experience. You check out the other blogs

What websites did I check?

I did my research till the time of writing this blog. Some prominent examples that I tested were

  • Google
  • A couple of e-commerce sites like Amazon, Flipkart
  • News sites like The Times of India and BBC
  • Bank sites like HDFC Bank and Citi Bank
  • Airtel, Vodafone
  • Fintech sites like Groww, Scripbox, Happynessfactory

and a few more. Phew! Quite a number of sites. I even searched for a few recommendations on brilliant 404 web page designs. I tried reading a couple of blogs on an appropriate structure and design.

A simple 404 page
An example of a 404 page

All of these websites were very creative about the 404-page that they displayed. Except for The Times of India, of course. It was a simple text-based output on the page that said “Error Occurred.. Click here to browse to The Times of India.”

Were these serving their purpose? Yes, in a way. Are they the way they should be? Definitely not.

So what is the big deal about a 404 page?

Every website will have broken links or mistyped URLs. One cannot help it. An inappropriately structured 404-page will drive your visitors away. A website visitor typically will bounce off your website upon landing here if it doesn’t make any attempt to retain that visitor.

A typical marketing head or a product manager might ask, “What more do you want us to do, Jay?” “What more should this page give you?”

How can a 404-page retain the visitor?

There are many ways in which a 404-page can be smart enough to retain the visitor and enable her/him to find the relevant content on the website. Please do not think that the 404 has no power over the traffic. While some of the sites suggest you implement different techniques to create a powerful 404, I will suggest something else. Why not combine all the techniques together?

Below, I will mention the different elements that, I feel, will definitely add value to the 404 as well as help in the retention of the visitor. All these techniques must be implemented. Not one or two.

A purposeful image

A good image makes a lot of difference. This image should be purposeful and representative of the brand. For example, a company that sells pumps can show an empty spot on the floor of a godown that has a cache of brand new pumps out of the focus area.

A generic e-commerce website can show an empty space on the shelf which is otherwise filled with different types of products. A fashion webstore can show one empty hanger among other hangers with clothes on them.

The image should not be too big. It should be just big enough that the user looks at it and scrolls below. The content below the image has to be visible without a scroll. Also, make sure that you think about the responsiveness of the page, meaning how will the image will look on a mobile device like a tablet or a phone. Crop an appropriate section of the image for the mobile view since the desktop version of the image will get reduced to a small size and thus lose the impact. Following is a very crude example (since I didn’t quite look too hard),

Empty shelf 404 image good user interface desktop view
Desktop view for a veggie e-store 404 page
Empty shelf 404 image good user interface mobile view
Mobile view for a veggie e-store 404 page

An intentful message

The message “404 – page not found” sounds very dull. So does a simple “Page not found”. Be creative. How do the following messages sound?

  • Are you looking for something in particular? – Straightforward
  • Hmm, Something is not right! – Engaging tone
  • Whoa! Parts missing! – Trendy tone
  • Who let the dogs out! – Comic tone
  • Nope! Jack isn’t able to find what you want. – Straightforward, Third-person, Comic

I am sure you can be creative about it. Make sure you retain the tone of the theme of your website. Following is a sample for a vegetable webstore

Sample 404 image with text

A conscious redirect

This is the most important element of a 404 page.

Showing the user, all the relevant and potential options on the website makes a greater sense than showing just the text and the image. Once the user views the image and the text, she/he will naturally look below (if the page has been structured well, that is). As opposed to the popular and misguided notion, your users will scroll below as well, as long as they keep finding content.

To take advantage of this behavior, the site should introduce links or content in decreasing order of importance below the image with the text. It can simply be two or three columns full of relevant links to pages, posts, or any other content. This becomes a good place to push content like blogs.

Following is a sample of such a page,

404 page sample design
Sample 404 page

Final thoughts

Nobody thought that a 404 page would have so much importance in the overall scheme of things. It is a small chance that a visitor may land up on this page. But a site owner should leave no stone unturned to steer the user back to the main content of the website and aim to convert the visitor. After all, every visitor is looking for something when she/he lands on a website.

Quandry of a Good User Experience – OTP

Is User Experience misconstrued? Are we looking in the wrong places?

Companies and User experience designers highly misconstrue the concept of User experience. While people tend to apply the same to make the UI of software, apps or websites more “responsible” so to speak, they forget to look at the tiniest bits and pieces in the most obvious places.

Often, in my assignments, I come across requirements where my clients go overboard in the desire to do the user experience and interface functionalities perfect. But, in this quest, they often end up placing the emphasis on the wrong things. They aspire to “make the tables more colorful” or “the page pleasing on the eye”. But pleas to enhance the user experience in small things, as small as, OTPs, fall on deaf ears. Seasoned tech leads and product managers ignore this. We forget that everything we do these days is age-old. The greats have laid it out for us. We are simply mirroring it. In the way, we develop. The way we architect. The way we think. It is quite apparent in our ways.

“Did you just say OTPs, Jay?”

otp on a mobile

Yes, OTPs. You heard it right. “What do you think could be an issue with something as simple as OTPs?” “They are working aren’t they?”

Well yes. And no. They are serving their purpose. Of deterring a uninvited attempt at stealing your money or cracking your login. A second factor authentication. But not necessarily making it any easy for the user.

OTPs often come on SMSes, Whatsapp or emails. These are an application away, a window apart. The OTPs have to be simple enough to be remembered off notifications. Not having to switch between applications to remember.

OTPs are typically developed using random logic. A combination of 6 random numbers. How does “927401” sound? Hmm.. goes my mind. I don’t know about the geniuses out there. But I for one will have to repeat it twice and recall it once to enter this on the OTP screen. Thank God for the keyboards on our smartphones that read this SMS and enter it as well. So much for security.

So the way out?

How does 242424 sound? Or 127127 sound? One look at the OTP and I know what I have to enter. The human mind is wired to remember patterns. It is easy for our minds to remember that “I have to enter 12 three times.” or that “the OTP is 247 and its reverse.”. Now, the user has one less thing to stress about. And that is the elevated experience right there.

Well, there can be a lot of permutations that you can manage, bro. To name a few,

  • 127127 – abcabc
  • 121212 – ababab
  • 111222 – aaabbb
  • 123321 – abccba
  • 112211 – aabbaa
  • 122221 – abbbba
  • 111122 – aaaabb

Yeah yeah, Tech Lead. I hear you. Can we stop the intrusion? Well, the permutations can be endless and easy for the users but maintain the complexity of the implementation. You have to be smart enough to ensure that incorrect OTPs can be tried only a couple of times, max three, after which the OTP expires. The system will force the user to regenerate the OTP after 3 wrong attempts. If this happens, say more than 3 times, the system will block the user for an hour or a day. Simplicity, check! Complexity, check!

This way you will appease the human minds and keep the mischief at bay at the same time.

Is there any way to do this better

Of course there is! A loud shoutout to Bhavya Gudka for that discussion!

How does an OTP like “MUMBAI” sound? Or “PARIS”? Or, for that matter “NEWYORK”? Textual OTPs need not be obfuscated encrypted versions. They can be simple daily use words like city names, prominent leaders, brands, etc. Some suggestions:


the list can go on.

You might notice the double characters in the above suggestions. I am trying to maintain the 6 characters mandatory length. It is absolutely not necessary to do that. Four characters have enough complexity to prevent guesswork.